Fat Cat Is One of New York City’s Treasures

One day before Super Tuesday, I’d like to stump for one of the great places in New York City where comics like myself (and civilians) can go to unwind. Fat Cat, which bills itself as the local West Village hangout for live jazz, pool and ping pong, offers something for everyone.
Here are the five reasons I love Fat Cat, which is located at 75 Christopher Street.
#5 You cannot beat the cheap cover. It’s cheaper than the price of two subway rides.
#4 While most Manhattan rec and roll places give you the VIP treatment, offer memberships and a luxury experience (think Spin, Lucky Strike, Slate), Fat Cat is a low key establishment. Its vibe screams Brooklyn in the best possible way, but we’re lucky it’s in the 212.
#3 It’s perfect for a casual, get-to-know-you-date or a singles night on the town. Listen to jazz, enjoy a drink or show your competitive spirit over air hockey.
#2 You can play Words with Friends in person aka Scrabble or chess or just about any other board game imaginable. Turn the clock back on your childhood and let loose.
#1 Fat Cat is a true West Village joint. Nothing fazes the employees or customers there. You can bring dozen Dunkin Donuts with you or, for a spoof, a dozen harnesses from a nearby Christopher Street sex shop, and no one cares. This is part of the reason I love New York City: anything goes.